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Complaint Evaluations

The Joint Commission encourages anyone who has concerns or complaints about safety and quality of care to first bring those concerns or complaints to the attention of the healthcare organization’s leaders. That will often lead to a more immediate resolution of the matter. 

Matters concerning billing, insurance, payment disputes, individual personnel or labor relations issues are not within The Joint Commission’s scope. Also, The Joint Commission doesn't review complaints of any kind from unaccredited organizations.

Release of Complaint Evaluations

On request from any party, The Joint Commission releases the following information relating to complaints about an accredited or certified organization for the three-year period prior to receipt of the request:

  • The number of standards-related written complaints filed against an accredited or certified organization that have met prospective criteria for review.
  • The applicable primary standards area involved in a specific complaint review.
  • When an unannounced or unscheduled survey is based on information derived from a complaint or public sources, the performance area(s) in which a requirement for improvement was issued will be provided.

If an on-site review of a healthcare organization results in a change of accreditation or certification status or in requirements for improvement, these changes will be reflected in the organization’s publicly available Quality Report. Quality Reports for accredited organizations are available at or by calling the Customer Service Center, 630-792-5800.