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Screening & Diagnosis

A Center of Excellence

The Breast Center at Montefiore Nyack Hospital has been designated a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology in all its programs: mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided breast biopsy. Only a small percentage of imaging centers nationwide receive this designation, which recognizes exceptional commitment to quality patient care.

Breast Imaging

Taking charge of your health by following recommended screening guidelines is the most valuable gift you can give yourself. At The Breast Center, we have a variety of technologies designed to screen for and detect breast tissue abnormalities and osteoporosis at the earliest—and most treatable—stages. We offer:

  • Screening mammogram. A standard test to screen for possible abnormalities in breast tissue. Current guidelines recommend that all women receive a mammogram every year starting at age 40. Test results will be sent directly to your physician.
  • 3D mammography. The most advanced imaging available for breast cancer detection at the lowest possible radiation dose. 3D mammography is clinically proven to detect up to 41% more invasive breast cancers and abnormalities than 2D mammography. This high level of accuracy reduces the need for women to be called back for additional testing. Also known as 3D tomosynthesis, 3D mammography uses multiple X-rays to create a 3D image of the breast. This type of mammogram is very good for women with dense breasts, which can make it difficult for the radiologist reading the test to see a cancer.
  • Diagnostic mammogram. Used for women who have changes in breast tissue or a finding on their screening mammogram. Diagnostic mammograms include routine breast-imaging views along with additional views that provide more information about the area in question. We’ll discuss your imaging results with you before you leave The Breast Center and a follow-up report will be sent to your physician.
  • Breast ultrasound. A diagnostic tool that uses sound waves to make images. It’s used on its own or in combination with a mammogram to provide additional detail about an area in question.
  • Breast MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). MRIs use radio waves and powerful magnets to create detailed images of breast tissue. This highly sensitive exam expands our ability to diagnose early-stage breast cancers that may not be visible on mammography or ultrasound. The procedure doesn’t involve any exposure to radiation, but a one-time injection of non-iodine contrast material will be required for the imaging.
  • Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. This scan uses very low-level X-rays to measure the density and mineral content of bones. The DEXA scan is used to detect osteoporosis at its earliest stages, allowing treatments to begin as soon as possible.


    Image-Guided Diagnostic Services

    If a breast cancer screening reveals a suspicious finding, there are a several ways to determine if the finding is benign or cancerous, including:

    • Stereotactic or 3D-guided biopsy. Typically used when breast lesions are found under mammography that require tissue sampling. During this procedure, mammography imaging is used to target the exact location of the lesion. A needle is inserted into the lesion and tissue is extracted and tested.
    • Ultrasound-guided biopsy. Typically used when breast lesions are found under ultrasound that require tissue sampling. During this procedure, ultrasound guidance is used to target the exact location of the lesion. A needle is inserted into the lesion and tissue is extracted and tested.
    • MRI-guided biopsy. Typically used for findings identified under MRI that require tissue sampling. During this procedure, MRI is used to target the exact location of the abnormality. A needle is inserted into the area of concern and tissue is extracted and tested.
    • Cyst aspiration. During this procedure, a fine needle is inserted into the cyst. Fluid is extracted and may be tested.
    • Low dose seed localization. Comfortable, accurate and precise method of mass detection for breast lesions that can’t be felt. This advanced technique involves the implantation of a self-enclosed, low-energy "seed" (the size of a grain of rice) as a marker to pinpoint the location of a tumor or of abnormal breast tissue. This allows precise surgery for the removal of a lesion.

    Please note: Biopsy results are usually available within 24 hours. You may need to temporarily stop some medications, vitamins or herbal supplements before certain procedures. Please speak to your doctor prior to making your appointment.

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