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Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for COVID-19 Offered

Individuals who meet high-risk medical requirements may qualify for treatment. Montefiore Nyack Hospital is now offering monoclonal AB (antibodies) therapy to individuals who currently have a positive test result for COVID-19 and meet certain high-risk medical requirements. The treatment involves a single infusion of monoclonal antibodies, which are laboratory-made proteins that imitate the immune system’s ability to fight off harmful antigens, such as viruses like COVID-19. The monoclonal antibody-based medication is designed to bind to the coronavirus, which prevents it from invading cells.

The treatment may reduce the progression of the COVID-19 disease and prevent hospitalizations when given within the first 10 days of the initial onset of mild to moderate symptoms. Montefiore Nyack Hospital may be able to provide treatment using monoclonal antibodies if at least one of the following criteria is met and there is a current positive COVID-19 test result:

  • Body Mass Index greater than 35 

  • Chronic kidney disease 

  • Diabetes 

  • Immunosuppressive disease 

  • Receiving immunosuppressive treatment 

  • Age 65 years or older 

  • Age 55 years or older AND have cardiovascular disease, hypertension, COPD or other chronic respiratory disease. 

Patients who meet the criteria are advised to speak with their physician about their eligibility prior to treatment. If recommended, a physician’s referral is not required but individuals must provide documentation of their positive COVID-19 test results. Appointments are available daily between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. and can be scheduled by calling 845-348-2650.

If unable to contact their primary care physician, patients concerned about their condition can visit the Emergency Department at any time for emergency medical evaluation and possible treatment.